posted ago by KATaPURRR ago by KATaPURRR +3 / -0

just wanted to say how proud of the awakened society, (as i call us) that i am. im loving all the solidarity, and patriotism. something i thought the world was dead of long an 80s baby, so ive seen ppl be courtious and having manners, appreciation of others etc..and ive had to live through the last 15-20 years of pure hell as well. rude, selfish, entitled ppl, danger in my own town, racism etc...with all that has been going down, and seeing ppl waking up to what is reality..or has BEEN reality, and seeing the change and shift in the way ppl treat others, my heart has lightened.(as it has hardened over the yrs) it is contagious, and i see even ppl who have been known to be racist, on many spectrums of races, become civil and non judgemental. more understanding to the other. literally i can pick out those whom still have no clue about any of this, just by their attitude. anyway i just wanted to spread the enlightening feeling that i personally have been undergoing. its a beautiful feeling, i encourage others to be more observant of this. i promise it'll make u smile. keep up the good work everyone, keep sharing knowledge and keep the patience, weve still got a lot of ppl to educate. God is with us, God speed everyone.