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Biologyfag here. Not an immunologist, but I play one on TV. Putting together a couple of bits of data here…
p. 1:
- Internal Pfizer vaccine study from Japan, available on government regulator's website (attached for posterity, but for your safety and peace of mind you can get it from them):
- Reuters "Fact Check":
“We can confirm the document does not make any reference to spike proteins from the vaccine resulting in dangerous toxins that linger in the body – this claim is incorrect”, the spokesperson said.
- "fact check" website (NOT Dr. Bridle's website.)
"There is no spike protein in the mRNA vaccines:"
All true. There is (purportedly) no spike protein in the vaccine itself. But what does the mRNA in the vaccine do?
- (image attached) 48-hour mRNA lipid nanoparticle concentration in Wistar rats, from 1), table
The mRNA is packaged in lipid (fat) nano- (extremely small) particles in the jab. The Pfizer document contains measurements of the concentration of these lipid nanoparticles in different organs and tissues in Wistar rats over time, from 15 minutes to 48 hours after injection. In other words, they jabbed a bunch of literal lab rats, "sacrificed" that means killed 1 out of 7 of them after 15 minutes, and the same number after 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 1 day, and 2 days. Then they dissected them, likely pureed the pieces, and used some sort of radiation sensor to measure the concentrations of tritium (radioactive hydrogen) put into the nanoparticles beforehand.
The concentration of particles still found at the injection site after 48 hours was 165 micrograms (µg) per milliliter (mL). An equivalent measure would be milligrams per Liter. To give an idea of the ratio, a Liter is a bit more than a quart, and 1000 grams (a kilogram) is about 2.2 pounds. A (very) loose translation of the ratio of 165 mg/L is 165 parts per million. 165 parts per million doesn't sound like a lot, but remember, this is for whole tissue. 1 million / 165 is one part in 6060, for everything in the tissue, extracellular stuff, cell membrane, intracellular stuff, and a bunch of water. It's a lot.
What happens to the lipid nanoparticles over time after injection? From 15 minutes to two hours, they become detectable in their highest concentrations over time at the injection site (394 mg/L after 1 hour), and in Whole blood (w/red and white blood cells, 5.40 mg/L) and Plasma (just the liquid part, 8.90 mg/L) after 2 hours, where the plasma makes up a bit more than half of the blood volume. They also reach significant concentrations after two hours in the Liver, Spleen, and Kidneys, which are likely attempting to filter/degrade/detoxify/remove them. While 8.90 in the blood after 2 hours seems a lot smaller than 394 at the injection site after 1 hour (311 mg/L after 2 hours), remember that the volume of the injection site is much smaller than the volume of the blood in the rat. Without looking up the average blood volume of mature male/female Wistar rats, it is safe to say that a very large fraction of the injected nanoparticles do not stay at the injection site.
Over the next 48 hours, the concentration at the injection site goes down by about half, the concentration in the blood goes down, and the concentrations in the Liver and Spleen continue to go up. This means that nanoparticles from the injection site continue to leave the injection site, carried away predominantly in the blood plasma, whence they are free to enter cells in other tissues. The fact that the blood concentration continues to go down even as lipid nanoparticles are being released from the injection site further underlines the difference in volume between the injection site and blood. Aside from the injection site, the highest organ concentrations after 48 hours are in the Liver and Spleen.
p. 2
Here's where it gets interesting (as if the above weren't utterly fascinating to begin with.) The next highest concentration over time is in the Ovaries (in the females, of course.) The concentration continues to go up continuously over the 48 hour span. Why? Unknown, although there are two main possibilities. First, it is possible that cells in the ovary express some surface molecule that happens to have an affinity for the particular lipid molecule that makes up the volume of the mRNA-containing nanoparticles. Second, it is theoretically possible that the lipid nanoparticles have been tagged with surface molecules that (intentionally or unintentionally) happen to have an affinity for surface molecules on cells in the ovary. Either possibility seems bad.
- Adaptive immunity, B cells and T cells:
And so, we come to the type of tissue that is point of this flapper-worthy raft of text. The next highest 48-hour concentration is in the Bone Marrow. This is where new blood cells are made. The concentration is 3.77 mg/L or (very loosely) about 3.7 parts per million, a ratio of about 1 part in 265,000. Again, this may not seem like a lot, but only one lipid nanoparticle needs to get into a cell to deliver its payload. There are all kinds of cells in the bone marrow, stem-like cells, and other more mature cells that those divide into. In particular, this is where new B and T cells are made. These largely constitute what is known as the "adaptive" immune system.
B and T cells are special because they have molecules on their surface that are different for each one, billions of cells over. It is all these different "sticky ends", called receptors, on them that make B and T cells stick to molecules the body has never "seen" before, like those from bacterial, viral or toxin invaders. And yet the human genome does not have a separate "gene" for each of these billions of possibilities. The diversity of the adaptive immune cells is made possible by a process called V(D)J recombination. The V, D, and J represent the genomic forms of the sticky ends of the B and T cell surface molecules. This part of the genomic DNA that makes up the genes involved is in every cell in the body, but is only "turned on" in B and T cells that are recombining them to make their unique sticky ends. Pretty cool, actually.
Mature B cells go off into the blood to look for Bad Things (called antigens) floating around. If they find something that they stick to well enough, they begin dividing (and dividing, and dividing), making 2, 4, 8, 16, 32…1024768 copies, all of which have the same sticky-ended molecules, just like the cell that originally stuck to the Bad Thing. At some point, these B cells begin to manufacture bits of protein that also look like their sticky surface molecules, but are released from the cell into the bloodstream. These are called antibodies. Antibodies stick to the same thing the original, unique B cell stuck to. With trillions of identical copies of them floating around, however, they will stick to everything identical to what the original cell stuck to. Other types of killer cells can "see" something that has a bunch of antibodies stuck to it, and will come along and grab them to absorb, neutralize, and remove the offending invader. Finally, after a matter of days, this new population of B cells will decline, but some stay around long-term to become "memory" B cells, available to deal with the same threat in the future, in numbers still way larger than the lone B cell that originally sounded the alarm. The ramp-up in B cells takes hours/days, and this is why it takes time to get over an infection, and the memory cells keep you from getting sick from the same infection twice.
T cells are very similar, but they're not looking for things outside of our cells they're looking for clues to things inside of our cells that aren't supposed to be there. How can they do this from the outside? The answer lies in molecules that are expressed on the surface of every cell in the body, the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules. These molecules grab onto tiny bits of proteins inside the cell that have outlived their usefulness and have been broken down into small pieces called "epitopes". The MHC molecules with epitope attached then find their way to the surface of the cell, where T cells can "see" them. The magic of how no B or T cells are made/kept that stick to "self" is way too much to deal with here, but a breakdown in this process, where they incorrectly attack the body's own tissues, is called an autoimmune disease. Suffice it to say, however, that when a T cell comes along and sticks to an epitope/MHC on the outside of one of our cells, it's because the epitope came from something on the inside (like a virus) that shouldn't be there. (This is also why organ donors and recipients are tissue typed by their MHCs a mismatch in these will cause every cell from the donor to look like a foreign invader.)
Continued in comments, up-Q for continuity?
This is the most disturbing part and should scare there hell out of everyone:
"SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro"
If you know anyone with the BRCA gene defect (AKA the breast cancer gene), then you know they are almost guaranteed to get breast, ovarian, pancreatic, melanoma, and other cancers. Why? Because when the BRCA gene is defective, it cannot identify, remove, and repair any mistakes made during DNA replication as cells divide. If a mistake is made in the DNA, that mistake becomes a permanent part of the cell genome and is propagated in that particular cell line for the rest of the person's life. Hence, unfixed mistakes occurring in the genomic region responsible for cell growth leads to uncontrollable growth and tumor formation.
So if the presence of spike protein in the nucleus inhibits repair of damaged DNA, then it essentially mimics what having a defective BRCA gene does. Therefore, you can surmise that vaccinated people have now inadvertently been turned into a kind of BRCA patients.
Since it seems like the spike protein accumulates in ovarian tissue and bone marrow, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a large increase in leukemia, lymphoma, and ovarian cancer pretty soon.
Is the spike production and expression long lasting? How long would it last (no boosters) ?
Great question. Not sure. Trying to find any papers that have evaluated. And there are papers about mRNA gene therapy in pancreatic cancer (but that's used to replace a gene that should have been there all along; not introduce something new and non-native). But I think the bigger question is how much damage can it cause while it is around. Whatever damage can not be spliced out and corrected will be propagated in that cell line forever. I'm wondering if regardless of whether the spike doesn't stay long, will there still be lasting effects of when it was there that result in cancer. And if so, how long will it take to show up. Some increases in cancer are already being seen, and this is because some cancers are a result of a poor immune system (like AIDS as some studies suggest). So wave 1 cancers will be the result of immune cells not killing defective cells that are already present. And we've 2 will be from defective DNA replication and uncontrolled new cell growth of the mistake occurs somewhere in the growth regulation part of the genomic code. That's my hypothesis.