It’s 1997 and I’m working in the media at a small station in the northeast. I was an experienced reporter by then and that is the year when I noticed a tide change both locally and internationally. It was little things, but I felt those things were pointing to something much bigger.
I started digging.
Online, I found preppers, conspiracy theorists and Spiritualists. Some folks were already building bunkers and going off the grid. I waded through it all, came across topics like pedophilia and missing children, hidden UFO technology, whistleblowers and witches.
And I began to form a picture that I expanded on over the decades. Imagine trying to tell people what was happening in 1997! It was the loneliest place on earth.
If you don’t think people are waking up, let me tell you, IT IS HAPPENING. And it’s a beautiful thing. And it’s only going to escalate by leaps and bounds and by the minute and by the day.
The only thing we had “back in the old days” that came close to what we needed was the Tea Party.
God bless you all, my Patriot soldiers. You don’t know how happy I am to see you. You are doing God’s work. You are all heroes.
I'll believe once my wife wakes up. I think of my wife and I as being pretty much at the middle as far as finances, what is going on in the US, and such. If my wife wake's up I will know that the Great Awakening is happening in full force.
I know a long-time rino who's started realizing on their own, without my input, how much the msm is hiding. Things are changing.