This is SO beautiful! As bad as it is there I still wish I was there or in the USA. It's almost as bad here in Canada, (only difference is cops aren't shooting at us probably due to more compliance) but we aren't coming together like I saw in this vid. There are freedom rallies but they are scattered groups. Soon there will be snow and sometimes -20 temperatures so it will be even harder to get people together.
We have since imported more firearms for civilian use than they handed in and destroyed, but most people don't know that.
That was beautiful, seeing the people coming together. Brought me to tears. God bless the Australians!
PRAYERS continuing for AUSSIE PEDES!
This is SO beautiful! As bad as it is there I still wish I was there or in the USA. It's almost as bad here in Canada, (only difference is cops aren't shooting at us probably due to more compliance) but we aren't coming together like I saw in this vid. There are freedom rallies but they are scattered groups. Soon there will be snow and sometimes -20 temperatures so it will be even harder to get people together.