Chapel Hill UNC and Duke Univ. Scientists Discover Antibody That Can Protect People From Getting COVID and Its Variants
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I haven't it was the worst thing ive endured, and I would still take my chances with covid. Had to go on oxygen. Could have done some things before hand that probably would have helped a lot.
I would have zinc 100 mg a day lots of c and d and then ivermectan early. I was about 6 or 7 days in before I found some. As a result of my failure to help boost my imune system I believe it hit me a lot harder than it otherwise would have.
YAY, that you're better!
It was crazy - my husband, our grown sons, our daughter and her wife all caught it w/in a day of each other. We had been taking Ivermectin, Vitamin C, and Quercetin. None of us had it longer than 5 days and we think it was taking the above that helped. We also had packets of hydration packets which helped as well.