She said that she thought one particular required test, at very cold conditions, "was stupid." It was in the contract to test at very low temperatures because Navy ships often encounter very cold conditions....submarines in particular. Steel can become very brittle at low temperature conditions, sort of like the Titanic did in the waters where it encountered an iceberg.... but never mind that, she thought the test "was stupid." Such a genius.
Agreed, Jordan Peterson says you should approach a conversation like you can learn something from the individual you are trying to communicate with. This is something these self important liberals cannot comprehend. Like the saying goes. “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts”. As Satchel Page put it, (it’s not what you know, it’s what you know that just ain’t so).
We are guilty of self righteousness behavior. Have a strong sense of moral and ethical reasoning before you venture into the "we didn't ask your opinion so aggressively given". Universe.
She said that she thought one particular required test, at very cold conditions, "was stupid." It was in the contract to test at very low temperatures because Navy ships often encounter very cold conditions....submarines in particular. Steel can become very brittle at low temperature conditions, sort of like the Titanic did in the waters where it encountered an iceberg.... but never mind that, she thought the test "was stupid." Such a genius.
Diversity hires. (Here comes that anger). This never would’ve happened if she would have stayed in the kitchen. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Could she be trusted to follow a recipe any better?
The stakes are lower for steaks. 🤣😂🤣
Good one!!!!
As long as the recipe wasn't """stupid""" she could.
There is some hubris attached to Chip on shoulders attitude.
Agreed, Jordan Peterson says you should approach a conversation like you can learn something from the individual you are trying to communicate with. This is something these self important liberals cannot comprehend. Like the saying goes. “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts”. As Satchel Page put it, (it’s not what you know, it’s what you know that just ain’t so).
We are guilty of self righteousness behavior. Have a strong sense of moral and ethical reasoning before you venture into the "we didn't ask your opinion so aggressively given". Universe.