You know this isn't financial advice, but if I wasn't all loaded up and ready to go to the Moon (GME and Silver), I would be taking a serious look at Kodak. Trump started setting them up to produce generic pharmaceuticals in 2020 and though the process hit a snag early on, wouldn't it be just like Trump to have set up a replacement for big pharma. You know, just in case the big pharma companies annihilated themselves by getting exposed pushing a poisonous product...
My friends, we have a trend. GE is setting up to do the same thing, dividing into three companies: aviation, energy
You know this isn't financial advice, but if I wasn't all loaded up and ready to go to the Moon (GME and Silver), I would be taking a serious look at Kodak. Trump started setting them up to produce generic pharmaceuticals in 2020 and though the process hit a snag early on, wouldn't it be just like Trump to have set up a replacement for big pharma. You know, just in case the big pharma companies annihilated themselves by getting exposed pushing a poisonous product...
One of the best performers in my portfolio was GE, when Jack Welch ran it.