This very vell could be a local comms language, as it relates to Russia.
Recently I found a very weird article related to mushrooms on one of popular local news websites, related to Saint-Petersburg
Almost all weird articles, especially on popular resources, are usually related to hidden comms of some sort. This particular one could be roughly translated as "They are bubbling and cracking, but mushrooms are not giving up. Mushrooms in the centre of Saint Petersburg grows contrary to common sense".
My thoughts: Mushroom = deeply-ingrained organism that tend to have a symbiotic relationship with trees (big plants) and is related to plants. Usually being encountered in "forests". A lot of people, according to news, are getting lost in forests while going mushroom hunting. A lot of messages in the media refer to "mushroom poisonings". Picking mushrooms as activity is also related to as "the silent hunt".
So this particular message could be related to having trouble of rooting out the deep mk/13 cells if it was a whitehat message. Other scenario that could pop up if it was blackhat message, that despite mass brainwash, people are resisting vaxx efforts.
I think I got a decode here, but I want to confirm. Anyone else heard about mushroom comms?
I like your decode fren.
Alternatively, (and admittedly a little simplistic)
WE are the mushrooms (grown in the dark and fed on shit) to be picked, but they can get 'poisoned' by doing so- trying to 'pick' a mushroom that is 'poisonous' can result in your own demise (that's where your link of spores to trees could be important, not just your own demise). Possibly a warning to all those clowns thinking of going 'mushroom picking'. Dunno.
The decoding symbols guy on wordpress has a search feature. It seems mushrooms and mushroom picking have been used as the prey and the activity of pedophiles, respectively, possibly due to shape and hunting references. I recall something there about it being used intentionally as the descriptor of a nuclear blast. Mushrooms are definitely used in all things Mario, which would imply sex. But today it's morphed into nuclear comms as well, a whole separate comm. Take a look:
I know the site, but didnt go through all of it yet. reference page didnt have reference to mushrooms, it was buried within articles. (have it archived just in case, planning to read the rest of it later). thanks for pointing out the search thing, didnt know it existed
Yes, you have to ctrl+f on each page. He doesn't specifically decode mushrooms anywhere, but they "pop up" in random places.
I don't read Russian, but your description could alternatively be comm-translated as a warning: "If you're still in the mushroom-hunting business, watch out." "Some stupid people, against common sense, are still doing it and getting caught." Obviously depends on a good reading of the article. Just a thought.
"mushroom" simply makes me see the image of a mushroom cloud so my mind quickly goes to nukes
thought about that too, but it doesnt fit the message. but "someone deeply infiltrated", like a mole - a good match.
More thoughts.
Mushroom could be a near perfect placeholder symbol that can mean a lot in different contexts. For example, as blackmail frequently involves luring people by appeal of sex - that's what orchids do (they imitate appearance of insect species to lure unsuspecting pollinators). Most orchids, especially rare ones, require symbiotic fungus present in soil. And related to "mushroom clouds" - explosive information that is used for leverage. I may be into something here