Yeah, I figured out if you want to truly get well, you are on your own. Insurance will never pay for anything that works. A holistic practioner who will work with you is rare and expensive.
Ok. I've already got:
Oregano oil
nano zeolite
tons of vitamin &mineral sups
Frankincense &
tons of essential oils
Yeah, I figured out if you want to truly get well, you are on your own. Insurance will never pay for anything that works. A holistic practioner who will work with you is rare and expensive.
Ok. I've already got: Oregano oil NAC nano zeolite tons of vitamin &mineral sups Frankincense & tons of essential oils Spirulina
Need to get: Ivermectin Lugol's Iodine
Maybe: Colloidal silver
A good Black Seed Oil.
Yep, probably should have some of that too!