posted ago by dAnonDbase ago by dAnonDbase +46 / -4

The Rapture (the “snatching away” of the Christ-followers to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air*) could happen at any moment! There are no Biblical prophecies about when the rapture of the Church occurs, except that it happens after “the falling away” (of the ‘Woke’ Church, perhaps?) and before the Antichrist signs the 7-year peace treaty with Israel to start the Tribulation*.

The Rapture of the Church removes the Holy Spirit (in the Christians) from this world. Then the Lawless One, the Son of Perdition, the Man of Sin, is turned loose to conquer the whole world and install himself as god. There would then be NO MORE HOPE OR PEACE until the Great Tribulation is ended by Christ’s Second Coming (Revelation 19:11, 19-20). In the Tribulation, it appears that half the world’s population could die.

Not everyone in our movement is Christian. That’s okay. But we Christ-followers MUST dedicate ourselves to prayer & praise & testimony and action! Only the gospel of Christ can mend this nation now! We Christians MUST fully engage in spreading the Gospel and the truth. We MUST “bless those who curse us and pray for those who despitefully use us” (except in war; Prov 24:11) We are commissioned by Christ to share the Gospel, even with our new sojourners (undocumented ‘guests’), which could mitigate the plot of the progressives to import a new voting bloc.

If the Deep State & the Cabal ever do lose their stranglehold on America, there will still be deep divisions between the Patriots and the Deceived (the sleepers; the liberals & progressives, plus the millions of illegal aliens). Festering wounds and deep distrust will remain. The ONLY way we can reunify the ‘unum’ to the ‘pluribus’ (the ‘one”’ to the ‘many’) is by the mercy & grace of Jesus Christ and His gospel! 1Corinthians 15:3-4 states the gospel of Christ very simply: “…that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures”. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me”. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, CAN heal our land, but we need to share the Good News of salvation through faith in Christ BEFORE the “snatching away”!

DO YOU KNOW JESUS AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD & SAVIOR? If not, please read Romans 10:9-13, then do it!

*Look up 1Thessalonians 4:16-18 and 2Thessalonians 2:3-8 on Bible.com or elsewhere. Also, “Autists of the Lord” have written volumes about the “last days”. Find writings by David Reagan, Frank Turek, David Jeremiah, J. Warner Wallace & other Christian, bible-based teachers. May God Bless Us/US Every One!