One of the Saddest Teen Casualties of Bad ‘Vaccine’ Policy Was Revealed in Latest VAERS Drop
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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Valid observation, there is someone/something keeping/allowing that site to continue....
The question remains, why?
Perhaps because VAERS reveals that REAL vaccines are "mostly" safe and that data is important to have. The amount of injury and death from the covid mRNA serum (I refuse to call it a vaccine) far exceeds the injury and death counts of ALL the other vaccines combined.
Valid observation...
I was all onboard with Newsmax at first as being conservative, but now I’m seeing stuff like Fox was before they went woke. Males me disgusted. Who bought them out?
Correct , Newsmax is Fox jr..or newsmax is a Fux news wanna B , they are worse because they play like they are Patriots
The sad part is anyone can submit a report to VAERS with no verification right here:
There's been numerous times where I've been listening to a podcast and the host has told people to report events that didn't happen so they could get the CDC attention on how bad the vax is. Which I agree with, but it kind of ruins the whole VAERS idea.
Is a puzzlement.