One of the Saddest Teen Casualties of Bad ‘Vaccine’ Policy Was Revealed in Latest VAERS Drop
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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Explain Hitler's daughter in Germany ushering in the Kalergi plan at warp speed. Why do you support a family who is "genociding whites", as you Nazitards like to put it?
Q is against Naziism. Q is also against the Rothschild family. You'd have to be a complete imbecile or completely new to Q to think otherwise.
You're nothing but a consensus cracker, sent here to comingle with Q researchers and spout off fucked up ideas in order to muddy the water and confuse newcomers to Q.
Here we go with the merkle clone hitler daughter routine. And you claim im muddying the water lol your off the deep end.
You boasted of being banned last week, enjoy getting banned again.
You don't belong here. This board is for Q researchers, not Nazitards who are hostile to Q.
Yad Vashem photos show daily life in the German concentration camps during WWII was comfortable. Inmates worked. They had leisure activities and entertainment. Allied bombing of rail and road lines starved the camps in 1945 & led to typhus deaths.
Wasn't boasting about being banned you ingrate. I just find it absurd that the same community that showed me this different side of the Holocaust hoax, is now suddenly upset that I absorbed all of the content they introduced me to.
So enough with your self righteous, childish talk of "i don't like the things you're saying because the possibility makes me feel uncomfortable".
You sound just like lefties do when I try and insist that Donald Trump is not the corrupt, villain portrayed in the media.
Q said to think critically. And to me that means not blindly believing everything he said--which is exactly what got us in this mess in the first place.
It's 2021 you flipping idiot.
Why are you crying about shit that happened 80 years ago? Everyone who did the bad shit you're crying about has been dead half a century.
I'm sorry, Nazitard. I'm not a Russian. I don't give a fucking shit about muh Holodomor.
Nobody from the Q community taught you anything about muh Holocaust. That's just you consensus crackers circle jerking each other trying to bring Hitler front and center to conflate Q with Naziism, with the dozens upon dozens of Q directly saying "Nazis fuck off" be damned.
Every. Little. Thing. That. Comes. Out. Of. My. Mouth. Has. Been. Sourced.
It's not even me speaking. It's Q. Every point I made is 1000% out of Q's mouth.
You ignore it all, and now you want to quote Q.
This isn't Voat. The bare minimum threshhold to post here is to be pro-Q. You don't qualify. Begone Voat reject.
What you mean the shoddily put together propaganda piece that so blatantly follows all laws of propaganda? Some of the things it does well:
Europa is long-ass trash. I gave it a shot to see if it was worth anything, and I made it through about a half an hour to an hour before it got to the point where the arguments it was making were all based on original false arguments, and it was SO heavily laced in just emotional appeals and other bullshit that I couldn't stand it. If you really want a quality piece of education or information, it will stand without all the bullshit. Facts don't need dramatic flair.
Are its contents true? Not as it presented them, they weren't, but to be fair, absence of proof is not proof of absence.
That said, I agree with the others here; Q has deeply connected the evil today to the Nazis of the past. To ignore that as "disinfo necessary" is to: 1.) take the "disinformation necessary" out of context completely, and 2.) discount the entire fucking movement.
Disinfo necessary isn't about things like major structural portions or themes. It's about specific small details; ally or enemy name drops, timing of events, etc; disinfo is necessary not because "lets lie for the hell of it", disinfo is necessary because cabal are monitoring. Minor details (to us) are huge tactical pieces between the two of them. That's the kind of disinfo needed; stuff like saying "so and so flipped and is on our side" when it might not be true is a damn good way to sew seeds of distrust and fear among the DS.
I dunno man. It seems to corroborate perfectly with alot of other evidence I've seen.
Yad Vashem photos show daily life in the German concentration camps during WWII was comfortable. Inmates worked. They had leisure activities and entertainment. Allied bombing of rail and road lines starved the camps in 1945 & led to typhus deaths.