Her location was chosen as a site for children vaccines. She had tears in her eyes telling me how she hears children crying every day
My heart has become hardened. I know many children will die from this. God help us
Her location was chosen as a site for children vaccines. She had tears in her eyes telling me how she hears children crying every day
My heart has become hardened. I know many children will die from this. God help us
Not to argue with anyone but she could slip the parents a card explaining if you or you hear of anyone having issues the person who gave me this said these sites might help! (Use stuff from Dr Artist (spelling?) or Dr Zelenko) Because either way they are going to get to the jab anyway if your there or not. And it could wake them up either way because I`m sure cursosity will get some to watch. Use their money to help or stop them from taking more jabs. That is if they don't loose their job.