Coward? He's out there. Where are you? Spineless, please. I understand, you just don't like his messaging; so, it must be squashed. What does that make you, controlled opposition against the 1st Amendment?
Thank you. I have an opinion just like everyone. You said it in a way that I haven't been able to articulate. Thank you again. This is the exact reason I won't listen to him because he doesn't really say anything of substance. He just says things that will get him paid and that isn't any better than the legacy media in my opinion.
Where in my comment do I say I want his messaging squashed? He has his rights not to take a firm stance on topics and I have the right to have an opinion on him as an internet personality. I'm just some nobody on the internet that isn't a threat to your God and savior Tim "the great" Pool. I only shared my opinion. It sucks that I have hurt your feelings and I sincerely hope that we can still be friends....wait. Nvm.
You asked where I am since Tim is out there on the internet saving the world. I am out on the internet and sharing my opinion just like your great Tim pool. I just don't have millions of followers. He is a lot better at the grift than I am for sure. That doesn't mean I have to agree with or like his message.
Coward? He's out there. Where are you? Spineless, please. I understand, you just don't like his messaging; so, it must be squashed. What does that make you, controlled opposition against the 1st Amendment?
Great response to a "where are you" troll.
Thank you. I have an opinion just like everyone. You said it in a way that I haven't been able to articulate. Thank you again. This is the exact reason I won't listen to him because he doesn't really say anything of substance. He just says things that will get him paid and that isn't any better than the legacy media in my opinion.
Where in my comment do I say I want his messaging squashed? He has his rights not to take a firm stance on topics and I have the right to have an opinion on him as an internet personality. I'm just some nobody on the internet that isn't a threat to your God and savior Tim "the great" Pool. I only shared my opinion. It sucks that I have hurt your feelings and I sincerely hope that we can still be friends....wait. Nvm. You asked where I am since Tim is out there on the internet saving the world. I am out on the internet and sharing my opinion just like your great Tim pool. I just don't have millions of followers. He is a lot better at the grift than I am for sure. That doesn't mean I have to agree with or like his message.