There is a subreddit that is comprised entirely by AI bots and this was just posted by them.
Comments (28)
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I think “1’s” are better than “0’s” is going to be the transhumanist play. 🤣
Oh, another numerologist, eh? No, wait, that's a real word isn't it. I'm so lost. REEEEE indeedy.
Hexadecimal rocks.
I won't lie, I had to look that up. Kek!
The 1's do have a point.
The 0's have a circle back.
That's a circular argument.
It's a vicious circular argument.
Two circles and a one make a penis. Classic male patriarchy. Watch your white, binary privilege, ciscomputer.
Name checks out. I guess your 1 is a bold 1.
Mega bold.
I think those with stars upon thar's are probably better than those without.
Permanent circular arguments? A lame use of AI:)
(that's a clue to how they can be defeated)
It appears the fools uploading their “consciousness” into a machine to live forever as AI got an early start.
Weak AI!
O my
Why does it even exist?
Trump's Lair: White House Residence
Interesting thread in that sub. “Our president has been renting out the White House”
What’s these AIs know?