My husband says his whole body aches and he has been coughing a bit and he's freezing. It came up quickly. I've given him Ivermectin, Quercetin Phytosome, zinc, EmergenC, and bayer. He has a temp of 103.5. I am considering giving him TheraFlu nighttime. I remember in the beginning Motrin was bad and Tylenol/Bayer is ok. Is that correct?? Just in case it is COVID I don't want to give him anything that will make it worse.
I've got pine needle tea, dandelion root, and an old cold ease tea from years gone by. Do I give him Ivermectin again tomorrow or wait 3 days like I do for myself as a preventive?
Any suggestions?? I tried google and duckduckgo but ... it's hard finding the knowing if it's the "right" protocol.
Thanks for your help!
Don't Forget about ZINC. Get the ZINC tablets in the cold/flu section. When I got really sick last year these tablets single handily cured me. I was taking them for about 2 days. On the second day I fell asleep with one in my mouth, so it dissolved really well. I woke up the next morning my fever, and headache were gone.