My husband says his whole body aches and he has been coughing a bit and he's freezing. It came up quickly. I've given him Ivermectin, Quercetin Phytosome, zinc, EmergenC, and bayer. He has a temp of 103.5. I am considering giving him TheraFlu nighttime. I remember in the beginning Motrin was bad and Tylenol/Bayer is ok. Is that correct?? Just in case it is COVID I don't want to give him anything that will make it worse.
I've got pine needle tea, dandelion root, and an old cold ease tea from years gone by. Do I give him Ivermectin again tomorrow or wait 3 days like I do for myself as a preventive?
Any suggestions?? I tried google and duckduckgo but ... it's hard finding the knowing if it's the "right" protocol.
Thanks for your help!
I believe you can treat the fever by alternating ibuprofen and tylenol.
aspirin works in place of ibuprofen ( same family)
my brother controlled his fever by drining 3 or 4 glasses of fridge cold water when the meds didnt help.
that is a high fever for an adult. If you cant get it under control you may need to take him to urgemt care.