This podcast opened my mind in ways I cannot explain in full. Bards it the nail on the head with this podcast.
And I really want a logical explanation as to why Trump has not raised a voice and a concern for all the deaths attributed to the vaccinations.
And I would also like to know if anyone on the board can find ONE post from Q about this pandemic. I can't find one.
I'd truly appreciate feedback on the WHY?
Are they ALL (including Rand Paul, Jim Jorden, MTG, Kristi Noem, DeSantis etc.) on big Pharma's hit list or payroll?
They go right up to the cliff's edge about mandates, but not one word about stopping the assassination of the American People, including our precious children.
Why is Fauci still walking around?
We all know they know what is happening, yet it's crickets from ALL OF THEM! Why are they afraid to actually fight for us? If they don't, who will? We as a people have little power to stop big Pharma. We can post and call our leaders but as you know our reach is ONLY to those who are with us in the fight.
I know of people who have reached out to their reps and never get a call back.
And by the time 2022/2024 comes much of this Country's population will have declined due to being murdered by the vaccination?
Do you really think the DNC will allow the decline in population to change the voting districts?
And by that time.....if this administration stays in power, how many of us who are unvaccinated will be allowed to vote; or for that matter be allowed to buy food or still be allowed on medical insurance policies?
Do you think if this continues you will be able to get your driver's license renewed?
If you are on Social Security, do you think you will be able to still collect it if you are not vaxxed?
If we are not vaxxed we will be locked in our homes or in a quarantine camp by then.
I do not have the answer. I am retired; have many physical issues and my only ability is writing and voicing my opinion.
Please do not dox me for this statement but just go back to your thoughts from a year ago and answer me these questions...
What has DJT done to help end the vaccines?
What has he done to help those in the DC jail? He could have pardoned them before he left office.
What has he done or posted about anything that is affecting our lives today?
His posts are about the election fraud (which not one Governor, including DeSantis) has taken hold of.
Or he posts about people he supports, which means jack shit if Dominion is still in every state.
When will he post about the atrocities that are happening to the people in this Country who loved and supported him for 5 years?
His posts are all about election fraud and how bad Biden is doing.
All, of which, we are more than overly aware.
Thanks for listening...I'll go back under my rock now. 🌚
The things that perplex you also perplex me.
Sorry for hijacking top comment, but the following train of thought I haven't seen yet in the past year and it might be very helpful in our understanding of the situation.
I was thinking about this issue the other day and maybe this has something to do with it:
What needs saving first in order to save the human race? It's the planet that needs to be saved first. There are predictions we will have 10 billion people on the planet in 2050 and it will stay at that level, but there are others that are saying the population will continue to grow beyond 10 billion.
Eventhough it might sound evil, but for the health of the planet and therefore the future of the human race, it might be necessary to somewhat reduce the Earth's population. The white hats might have even used Project Looking Glass to see what (catastrophic?) problems overpopulation will cause down the line.
What is more ethical? Save as many humans now but have major problems down the road causing a lot of suffering for the next generations, or reduce the Earth's population now to save the future?
It's not like the white hats are doing everything to help reduce the population, they are actually helping to offer the right information about the pandemic so that people can make the choice themselves. It's not the white hats responsibility that people are not thinking for themselves and choosing possible death.
the planet doesn't need saving. God controls the population, the climate, etc. the end of the planet comes on the Day of the Lord. It's bill gates et al who think we need to reduce the population and reduce CO2.