Oh so this is old! Do you know how old? Because it lists the number of deaths to be 1645. Which is far smaller than the actual number which is 18, 461 according to VAERS.
And this number is only 1/10th the real number (but probably 1/100th). Lol imagine the redpill from having it be reported that 1.8 million people have died from the vaccines thus far in the US? A whopping 3x as much as the 600k deaths WITH Covid, not FROM Covid.
I think its not too out of realm of possibility to think this could be close to the truth.
Oh so this is old! Do you know how old? Because it lists the number of deaths to be 1645. Which is far smaller than the actual number which is 18, 461 according to VAERS.
And this number is only 1/10th the real number (but probably 1/100th). Lol imagine the redpill from having it be reported that 1.8 million people have died from the vaccines thus far in the US? A whopping 3x as much as the 600k deaths WITH Covid, not FROM Covid.
I think its not too out of realm of possibility to think this could be close to the truth.