The state (prosecution) is being sneaky by not including the optic that was originally on the gun. Claiming the box they use to transport the gun was "too small". I mean for frogs snacks goto any sporting goods store and buy a proper gun case.
While this might be innocent or inconsequential, it sends a subliminal message to the jurrors that a gun with no optic is fairly hard to aim (it's not impossible) and enforces the prosecution's stance that Kyle was reckless.
I can't believe no one objected or corrected that. The weapon allegedly used in a crime should be in the exact same configuration as it was during the act.
The state (prosecution) is being sneaky by not including the optic that was originally on the gun. Claiming the box they use to transport the gun was "too small". I mean for frogs snacks goto any sporting goods store and buy a proper gun case.
While this might be innocent or inconsequential, it sends a subliminal message to the jurrors that a gun with no optic is fairly hard to aim (it's not impossible) and enforces the prosecution's stance that Kyle was reckless.
I can't believe no one objected or corrected that. The weapon allegedly used in a crime should be in the exact same configuration as it was during the act.
At the distances Kyle was firing, no optic is necessary anyway. He literally waited until those faggots we’re on top of him.
Nurybwont think that deeply. Likely just freaking that this joke was pointing a gun at them