I’m thinking the reason why we are seeing a lot of smallpox talk lately is because the people who have now injected themselves with AIDS won’t be dying fast enough for the likes of the NWO and so what better way to quickly kill off people with immune deficiency (and Bill Gates to get his slush money funding https://news.yahoo.com/bill-gates-warns-smallpox-terror-115657596.html?guccounter=1) than to shock their system with a deadly virus. Cue the Dark Winter (aka smallpox release).
I’m thinking the reason why we are seeing a lot of smallpox talk lately is because the people who have now injected themselves with AIDS won’t be dying fast enough for the likes of the NWO and so what better way to quickly kill off people with immune deficiency (and Bill Gates to get his slush money funding https://news.yahoo.com/bill-gates-warns-smallpox-terror-115657596.html?guccounter=1) than to shock their system with a deadly virus. Cue the Dark Winter (aka smallpox release).