I just knocked Covid, but my family is really not doing well. I had strep throat and didn't even know I had Covid until everyone else started getting it. Symptoms I can attribute to Covid only lasted 2.5 days. For them, it's been over a week.
If i had advice to give anyone who might get it, eating and keeping blood flow up is critical. I gave them Ivermectin (horse paste) and prescription HCQ, but unless they keep drinking, eating and moving it is all for naught...
Word of warning, if they find out you've taken ivermectin horse paste they will claim you've overdosed on it when they take you to the hospital, so probably don't bring it up because they WILL hold it against you out of spite...
I'd like to thank everyone from my recent post asking for prayers. I didn't respond in it because I wanted to focus on the prayers and keeping my other family members out of the hospital. My mother knows I've got many people praying for her, and I'm sure would thank you all if she could.
Anyway, back to the blood.
Since I can't help my family any more than I currently am, I figure I'd donate my blood. Maybe they will let me give it to my mother and family? They have been effective in keeping me from her until today where I talked them into letting me see and talk to her for a couple minutes. She's still alive and I've gotten her sisters involved now. They can raise more hell than I can, in a passive-aggressive way, so I still have faith that despite their death scripts she is gonna make it.
I've said prayers of protection against drowning (remdesivir pneumonia), poison (again remdesivir), and for victory in battle as well as the intercession of St. Joseph, who is patron of these things...
Anyway, I might as well help anyone I can since I now have something that most others don't. Does anyone know any place in the Ohio Valley area that needs unvax'd but recently Covid-Recovered blood? I'd prefer I give it to some place that is trusted.
Thanks for everything!
Too bad there is no way to know if your blood/antibodies will be intentionally withheld from White people in need, as apparently is happening
It would be a shame, but it wouldn't deter me.