It is the one good thing to come out of the reaction to covid. People, from the random dude in Subway, to friends and family, to various company CEO's to Government officials at all levels, showed us who the really are. I am very disappointed in many, but there were some good also. I am pleased that thus far, my own circle has proven out pretty well. No one banned, boycotted, or otherwise eschewed other friends or family members due to differing approaches to handling covid in their lives. For that I am thankful. I am also thankful that politicians will no longer be able to use states of emergency to institute heavy handed measures or grab power not theirs. I don't care if an asteroid is discovered headed for Earth for an extinction level collision, no leader will be locking anyone down for even a stated short time. They will have to figure out ways of dealing with emergencies that respect the individual freedoms of the people.
It is the one good thing to come out of the reaction to covid. People, from the random dude in Subway, to friends and family, to various company CEO's to Government officials at all levels, showed us who the really are. I am very disappointed in many, but there were some good also. I am pleased that thus far, my own circle has proven out pretty well. No one banned, boycotted, or otherwise eschewed other friends or family members due to differing approaches to handling covid in their lives. For that I am thankful. I am also thankful that politicians will no longer be able to use states of emergency to institute heavy handed measures or grab power not theirs. I don't care if an asteroid is discovered headed for Earth for an extinction level collision, no leader will be locking anyone down for even a stated short time. They will have to figure out ways of dealing with emergencies that respect the individual freedoms of the people.