posted ago by HueyLongAdmirer ago by HueyLongAdmirer +8 / -0

I found out there is one person who claims to work primarily for the State Department of Justice of where he/she lives, but ALSO works with the FBI and is contacting people out of the blue to meet in person wirg people who were at the Capitol on January 6th.

This agent merely wants to gather imformation.......but can we be sure he/she really wants to arrest them? What is his/her purpose?

Most of all, since when do State Department of Justice employees in states are allowed to also work on behalf of the FBI? Are State Attorneys General engaging in a form of disloyalty if they have their employees simultaneously work on behalf of a federal government agency that has arrested score of patriots merely for exercising their constitutional right?

Is this practice common? If so, if you were a state governor or state legislator, how would you feel if your own state's law enforcement agents were also working on behalf of the FBI?