4Chan anons connect the jab to PZP, a horse sterilization vaccine
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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The placenta has lots of Ace 2 receptors, which is why migrating spike proteins from vaccine expression lodge there, causing inflammation. Also why they affect the heart, ovaries, kidneys, liver etc .. all sites with lots of Ace 2 receptors.
Interesting, I was not aware. I was thinking of this:
Very interesting article, for the the record, I believe in design, not evolution, it holds no water and HIV definitely does not cause AIDS. The discussion of HIV in this article is fascinating.
Are evolution and Intelligent design mutually exclusive? I like to believe there's a crossover of sorts that would line up perfectly with the existence of a creator. Haven't delved much into Existentialism since high school though.
Exactly! And not only could he create creatures to evolve with their environment, but it would make the most sense logically and physically to include that mechanism.
Thank-you for the link. Looks interesting.
I think evolution is bunk. No way it can be true.
Thank-you for this information.