Hold on: so POTUS trump advocated to take the vaccines… Hrm. I think I finally understand! In order to have a legit worldwide awakening, lots and LOTS of people have to have their faith in the system completely destroyed. What better way than to let a bunch of people take a mystery vaccine?

So…you think Trump would let Americans die as a sacrifice to ‘wake people up’? What if they wake up and say ‘you were the one who pushed this shit causing my spouse/parent/sibling to die?’ No, i do not believe that at all. I think he just got snookered…
Trump talked about having to make the most difficult decision of his life… and I’m sure that he’s had a ton of big decisions in his life.
When? At what point did he say this?
He tweeted it sometime in early 2020, I think March but I may be misrembering.