I didn’t vote in the most recent election. Honestly I didn’t even read anything about the election before or after it happened. And even if I did, I don’t care at all.
I’ve already seen enough to know with 100% certainty that Q is real. But whatever the Q team had planned, it must’ve not gone accordingly because I just can’t see how letting this country and world turn to shit for the next 4 long years is gonna do anything.
People around me are only diving deeper into this insanity. People talking about getting booster shots to “huhuh stay safe!!!”. People wearing masks literally everywhere, even out in wide open fields with fresh air around.
And you know what? I don’t think anyone around me has gotten an ounce of sense or learned ANYTHING after this shitshow. At this point I’m more interested in just letting these morons get their way and do whatever they want and see them eat their shit 20 years from now. Glory to China motherfuckers. I can kinda admire the CCP for their ferocity, maybe it’ll feel good to be on a winning side for once.
For those of you who are still actively participating in “the process”, good for you. But for myself, I’m not interested in playing along with the game for another 4 years for the promise of things getting fixed one way or another.
Dear Fren,
I know it is discouraging. I get that way too. It has been a long roller coaster ride, and i hate roller coasters. i scream a lot. Cry a lot, too. Beg God a lot to bring it to an end. I feel like I am being squeezed to death by a giant boa constrictor. i think the name of this operation is "I can't breathe." That's everyone and everything. We can't freely breathe. And they are sowing divisions everywhere, the more easily to conquer us. Someone has said America got sucker punched, and I completely agree with that.
I'm old enough to remember what America was like in my childhood when she felt free and was always America the Beautiful, in my child mind. Gradually they started trashing it, but we didn't notice. Do you know what the Chinese kanji is for America? The first kanji means rice and the second kanji means country. However in this case, the actual meaning is Beautiful Country. Because i have lived and traveled overseas, i developed an appreciation for my motherland. Look what God gave to Mexico. Look what God gave to Canada. He saved the best portion of real estate for America. She is the Beautiful Land, and the Chinese language says so. Not that Mexico isn't nice, not that Canada isn't nice, but think of all our folk songs, how so many of them describe a place of awesome beauty. America idealized is sort of a little slice, although imperfect, of what the next world will be: The Heavenly Country, full of peace and liberty, and peoples from all the nations of the world, no longer living in disharmony, but restored to the Garden. The New Jerusalem.
I don't know how much worse it is gonna get. For me it is bad enough. We certainly cannot last like this until 2025. We are heading downhill fast and there seems to be a huge sewage pit at the bottom with a pile of dead bodies floating in it. Yet even though it sometimes feels as if God has abandoned us, he has not. Like Q says, it is a matter of optics. So many people seem to be living under strong delusion, and try as we might, we have trouble helping them to awaken. Maybe they don't wake up until Team USA is actually careering over the cliff and they can finally see the danger. Suffering is a teacher, and perhaps a certain amount of this is necessary for now. Satan cannot win. It just looks that way. The defeat took place at the cross, and Christ won total victory. What we are undergoing now is a painful mop up operation. America has been infiltrated by her enemies, but they are Satan's crew, and they are in the process of exposing themselves and all their wicked machinations. In the end, God does not let them get away with it. God's people will be purified in the process, so that finally we can shine like the stars in our Father's Kingdom. In the meantime, frens, let's climb aboard the ark. It's safe there.