There were plenty of films with subversive messages as far back as the 60s. This was on of the few wholesome family entertainment films before the agenda really kicked off.
More like since the 'roaring' 1920s or maybe the 1890s, it feels like it goes through a 30 year cycle 🙃
of course you could go well well into the past - every form of mass communication humanity has managed to create has been a cosmic struggle between those who worship God and those who follow satan. This was true when the alphabet was invented (aka Cuneiform), the printing press, the phonograph, the transistor radio, tv, internet, social media, mobile phone. now with 5g and near orbit satelllite internet carpeting every inch of the planet, we are about to enter the next phase. i guess things have just accelerated because of technology being able to communicate at the speed of light. certainly couldn't do that when I was a kid
There were plenty of films with subversive messages as far back as the 60s. This was on of the few wholesome family entertainment films before the agenda really kicked off.
More like since the 'roaring' 1920s or maybe the 1890s, it feels like it goes through a 30 year cycle 🙃
of course you could go well well into the past - every form of mass communication humanity has managed to create has been a cosmic struggle between those who worship God and those who follow satan. This was true when the alphabet was invented (aka Cuneiform), the printing press, the phonograph, the transistor radio, tv, internet, social media, mobile phone. now with 5g and near orbit satelllite internet carpeting every inch of the planet, we are about to enter the next phase. i guess things have just accelerated because of technology being able to communicate at the speed of light. certainly couldn't do that when I was a kid