If you have sample religious exemption letters for the jab, please link them here. Thank you so much.
I’ve saved so many posts I’m having a hard time finding those I’ve previously saved.
If you have sample religious exemption letters for the jab, please link them here. Thank you so much.
I’ve saved so many posts I’m having a hard time finding those I’ve previously saved.
Thank you!!
Here's another that will give you a letter:
You need to scroll pretty far down to find the i fo
Great thanks :)
Good info here with samples too. https://weholdrights.com/
Thank you!!
in case this helps...
Dear Brother or Sister in Christ: Thank you for reaching out! Please find below links to documents needed. The first is my signed and notarized affidavit. In addition, there are two affidavits: one for an Individual and one for Families. These affidavits must be signed by you in front of a notary. Notaries can be found in most banks, or you can find one by entering your location on: https://www.notaryrotary.com/agent/find_a_notary.asp The original notarized document should be kept in a safe place.
My affidavit:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gFV9iMxvmK-tv7d5HnMOcK80HxPR63cF/view?usp=sharing Individual affidavit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qLzEboGUpSj_SeNPKIUkc_p_pTqsV3rx/view?usp=sharing Family Affidavit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQClZ4TuTYavboGLvPehcKPIO2Ae-jm6/view?usp=sharing
You will need to attach my affidavit to a copy of the affidavit you signed when being turned in to the institution requiring the paperwork. On forms that ask the question for you to explain your beliefs, the answer is “See Attached Affidavits.” My affidavit is valid in all 50 states. Please contact me with any questions. May God keep and guide you! God Bless!
Sincerely, Minister Clayton Warichak W2169 Hanson Rd. Jefferson, WI 53549 claytonwarichak@yahoo.com Follow us on Telegram at: https://t.me/RighteousRebelsLLC
To donate: PayPal https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=AVXK4K6JJHCTG
Venmo @righteousrebelsLLC Cash App https://cash.app/$MinisterWarichak
Thank you so much!!
How about a letter stating that you refuse to bow to the covid religion? They can't produce the data, so their entire narrative is faith based. It's a religious cult, based on faith in something they can't prove. Just like other religions. Even if they're right, and you're wrong, they can't prove that they're right. We know the reason they don't have the data, but do they know it? This is a valid argument, but it couldn't save my career. It might end up being the best thing for me and my family. At least I won't have a boss that doesn't mind hurting my family anymore.