Q is 100% wrong. Q has been wrong about many, many things. Q is not the "ultimate" resource. When Q said it, 99% of followers weren't ready to hear differently. I've followed Q since 5 days after he first posted on /pol.
Since there are no such thing as viruses and bacteria are helpful, not harmful, not pathogenic, not contagious, not infectious, what could a poisonous toxic soup injected into your sterile environment and bloodstream possibly do for you?
Germ theory is a fraud, beginning to end. Louis Pasteur, the "Godfather of germ theory" was a fame-seeking, power-seeking fraud who lied, cheated, plagiarized and fabricated his "results" as he admits in his own private diaries. Fauci is just the latest iteration of keeping his lies alive.
All vaccines were designed to profit from you, at a minimum, or ultimately kill you.
They're all poison - no exceptions.
Q said vaccines are not all bad. (post 1010)
i got no doubt on the covid one though
Q is 100% wrong. Q has been wrong about many, many things. Q is not the "ultimate" resource. When Q said it, 99% of followers weren't ready to hear differently. I've followed Q since 5 days after he first posted on /pol.
Since there are no such thing as viruses and bacteria are helpful, not harmful, not pathogenic, not contagious, not infectious, what could a poisonous toxic soup injected into your sterile environment and bloodstream possibly do for you?
Germ theory is a fraud, beginning to end. Louis Pasteur, the "Godfather of germ theory" was a fame-seeking, power-seeking fraud who lied, cheated, plagiarized and fabricated his "results" as he admits in his own private diaries. Fauci is just the latest iteration of keeping his lies alive.
All vaccines were designed to profit from you, at a minimum, or ultimately kill you.
You're a loony.