I personally know through experience that there is more than we can see. I have felt the bliss of heaven my friends. There is great comfort awaiting us all who try our best to live righteously. Those who don’t make it through this battle are going to feel nothing but perfection on the other side. All of you should know that. If we truly knew, we would do everything to stop evil. We would literally be unstoppable.
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I'm not having a pissing contest with you about who is more righteous or who God loves more / who loves God more.
We both know you claim to have definitive proof, but the truth is that you don't. What you have is a profound belief, which is why they call it faith.
I'm just being honest.
It’s ok. I’m not expecting you to believe me. I’m simply telling I know there is better. Not arguing.
I agree I posted above about my mom. No question about it. Some haven’t been shown yet.