They ain't lying. Not a damn thing on earth more frightening. They have no clue the resolve one will go to when faced with actual genocide. I heard them shout kill white babies on the live feeds during the riots last year. My mother is white. Many of my friends and people that are closest to me are white. Peaceful but I always knew if they tried to kill off the white folk big things will happen. And I'm not talking riots and tantrums. Im talking Revolution type of recourse.
Reminds me of something I read once. A comment from some politician. Paraphrasing his response when he was asked but it went something like this,
Nothing is more frightening than a white man. Any other race would have been quick to anger and retaliate long ago. You can poke them for quite a while and you'd be right to think they're pushovers and that would be your biggest mistake. When you finally get them mad they go full out with a resolve that will not end until you are defeated.
They ain't lying. Not a damn thing on earth more frightening. They have no clue the resolve one will go to when faced with actual genocide. I heard them shout kill white babies on the live feeds during the riots last year. My mother is white. Many of my friends and people that are closest to me are white. Peaceful but I always knew if they tried to kill off the white folk big things will happen. And I'm not talking riots and tantrums. Im talking Revolution type of recourse.
Reminds me of something I read once. A comment from some politician. Paraphrasing his response when he was asked but it went something like this,
Nothing is more frightening than a white man. Any other race would have been quick to anger and retaliate long ago. You can poke them for quite a while and you'd be right to think they're pushovers and that would be your biggest mistake. When you finally get them mad they go full out with a resolve that will not end until you are defeated.
When the Saxon Began to Hate
this sounds more like Asians. They wait years to get revenge but when they do they are prepared
So they are just waiting patiently to take down the Chicomms ?