We're all in this together and i'm laying here in the pitch black reading these and started thinking about the stupidity that is "daylight savings time"..
If we can haphazardly switch clocks forward and back an hour, why can't we just permanantly leave them set half way in between?
Just a thought.
I could do without it being dark by 4:30pm
Move to AZ
Edmundston Maine, on December 21, has less than eight and a half hours of daylight, while Key West, Florida has over ten and a half. This seems more like a local issue. Why can’t some towns decide to operate 9-5 while others use 8-4?
Wanna change common hours of operation on a city by city basis? Feel free. On a business by business basis? Your call.
I agree with OP, just pick something, and stay there. If farmers, schools, or businesses wanna change their hours of operation, then let them.
North Korea's clocks are half an hour off from their neighbors' clocks. But I think they still shift an hour back and forth every 6 months.
That's what I do. So I'm either a half hour late or a half hour early (both are socially acceptable, yes?) to everything depending on if it's DST or not.
There is one province in Canada that doesn’t do it(Saskatchewan) I don’t see a modern reason to continue doing it either. All grain markets are digital now so there is no point
Very true
It's been pretty much universally agreed upon that we should stop switching the time. However, it's been the people in power that have dragged their feet and done nothing to actually implement it. The DS probably likes the fact that it screws with people's biological clocks twice every year.
This I believe. 😑
Is this a quote from a movie or something's I'm missing?
😅 cool