Mass Child Sacrifice in Plain Sight
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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FTA: Discussing Ariel Toaff’s The Bloody Satanic Sacrifice Rituals of the Jewish Race, Ron Unz writes, “It appears that a considerable number of Ashkenazi Jews traditionally regarded Christian blood...
The author makes a distinction about Ashkenazi Jews, but fails to explain the significance of this, which is that they originate from the Khazar tribe which lived in the area of the Ukraine, and reportedly practiced blood rituals, sacrifice and Satanism. When the Russian Czar and the Muslim caliph tired of their women and children being stolen for these rituals, they told the Khazarian king to convert his people to either Jewish, Christian or Muslim, or else face their combined might. The Khazarian king went Jewish and so overnight his entire population became Jews, subsequently spreading into Poland, Germany and other European countries, and taking their Yiddish language with them. There are indications that the Khazarian elite were Jewish in name only and continued their blood sacrifices. The Rothschild family are Khazarian Jews, as are many of the Jews now in Israel, and as were the original Hollywood studio heads, many of the actors (Paul Newman, Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall, Danny Kaye, Richard Dreyfus to name a few), Jacob Schiff (Adam Schiff's ancestor), and many others.
I was shocked to find I have Ashkenazi in my DNA results, no blood lusters in my family.
They put that on everyone's test result as an insult
My great-aunt was an incredible businesswoman who owned her own business when few women did that, so good that she was repeatedly told she must be part Jew (German heritage). This made her mad and to disprove it she started tracing the family genealogy. Grandpa said she talked about it nonstop, until all of a sudden the family heard no more about it at all because, lo and behold, she'd traced it back to a couple Jews. I'm sure they were also Ashkenazi.
Like didnt creation literally happen in that area???? We all gonna be part of the same shit when there was only like 11 people on Earth.........jusssss saiyan