11 Am I wrong or could that be….. Who else finds this interesting?🤔 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Oldpatriot 3 years ago by Oldpatriot +12 / -1 17 comments download share 17 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Phake and ghey
Good work
No. The photo before being photoshopped.
Good work
Big Mike is the source of the photo, in fact. Posted to Instagram on Hussein's 59th birthday.
No surprise here!
Here's this, for what it's worth:
I see a homo, a tranny and 2 adopted kids.
Damn... Epstein's place. Well damn!
Yes, looks like the Temple on Epstein's Island!
Shooped. Here's the original
Pedo temple? That probably where they got those kids.
I do believe that’s a palace shaped building - maybe St. James Island ???
Please confirm - this would be incredible
Well those aren't their kids to begin with...2 dudes cannot make life. So that leaves it to be.....Obummers rented them kids, and also did typical nasty DS shit to them I am quite sure.