The trick is to keep your costs as low as humanly possible. Find your cheapest possible living accommodations, don't have a car payment, and don't use credit cards. Just don't use them. Zero debt. When your overhead is almost nothing, it's way easier to be free than it is when you've got that giant boat anchor of a house/apartment/expensive car chained to your ankle and you're just trying as hard as you can to keep your mouth above the water. Live cheap, live free, don't get married or waste your money on women and kids. Women will fuck you over hand in hand with the government. They're all out to steal everything you own and ruin your life.
The trick is to keep your costs as low as humanly possible. Find your cheapest possible living accommodations, don't have a car payment, and don't use credit cards. Just don't use them. Zero debt. When your overhead is almost nothing, it's way easier to be free than it is when you've got that giant boat anchor of a house/apartment/expensive car chained to your ankle and you're just trying as hard as you can to keep your mouth above the water. Live cheap, live free, don't get married or waste your money on women and kids. Women will fuck you over hand in hand with the government. They're all out to steal everything you own and ruin your life.