522 November 22, 1963 was 58 years ago. JFK was gunned down in Dallas, Texas. 58 years ago the biggest cover-up in American History began. 58 years ago the search for the truth began. 58 years later the search for the truth continues. (media.greatawakening.win) 🔍 Notable posted 3 years ago by CaptainChrisPBacon 3 years ago by CaptainChrisPBacon +522 / -0 32 comments download share 32 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Trump's declass on the subject showed Ruby could very well have known Oswald before the assassination. They were reportedly seen together some place.
Ruby had connections with the "Dallas Mafia", which includes the father of George Bush (I believe).
Of course, who became head of the CIA?