I simply cannot emphasize enough how important this is to read.
I thought I was awake and well-informed, but holy shit; the information in here made me realize I've still got so much waking up to do.
I can just about guarantee you don't truly understand the full scope of what our satanic, communist enemy is attempting with their "Great Reset" unless you have read this.
It is absolutely horrifying, but we ALL have to read and heed it.
Please post your thoughts & feedback.
Yes, it is a bit on the longer side, but nothing worth having comes easy.
God Bless y'all.
You think that's bad look into NYSE’s new investment vehicle—‘natural asset companies’
They're gonna try an buy nature, under the guise of conservation.
Kind of like how china has purchased hundreds - if not thousands - of US Farms, bill gates has purchased OVER 200,000 acres of US farmland, etc?
Like that?
I have a new tab open for these "natural asset co's" tho..... ugh.....
We have to stop this....
Here's a decent article that breaks down what their plan is. I'm at work so don't have much time now, but this would be the end of the free world as we know it. It's terribly frightening & more evil than I could have ever imagined.
Thank You so very much!!
And if this article is anything similar to what I posted above, yes; Absolutely and utterly terrifying and bigger in scope than I believe any of us really imagined.
Like Trump always said; "THINK BIG."
Our enemy does.
You're welcome, this topic needs more eyes on it. I was aware of this article before you posted it & educated myself on these happenings.
I believe the information i shared with you is the completion of that process. Complete possession of the earth & it's resources. If they're successful, there will be no escape from these demons. They will literally own everything, while enriching themselves & enslaving us.