And before people start faggin' on bible translations, I'm looking at bigger picture, which I do believe this film looks at heavily. Which is that the Roman Catholic Establishment wants its chokehold back on The Truth by any means necessary. The whole time, I was wondering what the narrator was thinking these days as Pope Francis sits his Jesuit tooshey, in that satanic throne... and Nancy Pelosi even makes a guest appearance. Plus with this business on Epstien and Maxwell being blessed by JP2... Just lots of stuff in this one I stumbled on this evening.
And before people start faggin' on bible translations, I'm looking at bigger picture, which I do believe this film looks at heavily. Which is that the Roman Catholic Establishment wants its chokehold back on The Truth by any means necessary. The whole time, I was wondering what the narrator was thinking these days as Pope Francis sits his Jesuit tooshey, in that satanic throne... and Nancy Pelosi even makes a guest appearance. Plus with this business on Epstien and Maxwell being blessed by JP2... Just lots of stuff in this one I stumbled on this evening.