I have a relative who, because she works in the medical industry, will be required to take a vaxx and boosters. She REALLY doesn't want to but her well paying job is at stake. Are there currently any reliable methods to detox the body after getting jabbed with God knows what is in the vaxxes? I hear that graphene is the worst ingredient.
Anybody know about detox methods?
Once you take the jab you become a GMO. You may be able to negate some of its effects with Carbon 60 and NAC, but beyond that, not much you can do. There's a reason why Red Cross (supposedly) is not taking blood from the vaxxed.
Can I get a link for this? I have more than a couple jabbed coworkers who I'd like to share it with.
I'm going to have to back off that statement. PEr Red Cross site, they will take donations from the vaxxed. There are a lot of articles claiming they won't and a lot of fact checking sites disputing it. Sorry for misinfo.
It's not the blood, it's the convalescent plasma they won't take because you won't have any antibodies so it's useless in helping others.
No need to apologize, thanks for trying & being forthright. I don't want to spread any misinfo to the folks I work with.