Kyle did visit Mar-A-Lago. There is something wrong with how things are moving so fast or it is just me?
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The kid is headed for a fall if Hancock is staying in the picture long term. Hes got the hooks into Kyle and family.
I feel like the things Kyle are saying are too rehearsed , especially when it comes to bashing Lin Wood. It just feels like there are things he didnt specifically know but was fed the story from a "team" member.
Something is major not right that's for sure ,
Hmm . . . eyes on, Sis! But as to being too fast, I can't agree since I've been waiting for major action since at least Nov. 3 . . .
^ This dude gets it. Let's not forget so soon that the prosecution basically spiked the trial, Tucker interview shortly follows the jury verdict? Happening very fast indeed.
Donald is just rubbing his Kim pic in peoples faces.
its rough measuring but Kyle looks like hes as tall as Kim
This is wonderful and what a phenomenal memory Kyle will have after such an ordeal. His future looks bright.
He sits w Rushmore under his balls?
So Kyle calls out a creepy televangelist lawyer for grifting and now he not a good kid?