This occured to me a while back, but now the motivation to end it is clear.
Nevermindthe wrench -- gmme a hammer, fren! Gotta fix my account. Kek
ABSOLUTELY. This limp-wristed twit is using public dollars to promote his ridiculous viewpoint.
Git a rope, I say
Come to think of it, I've been on LI for years, and haven't received one bit of work from it. All I get is people begging for MY business. I'll play right-minded "activist" and protest -- bringing my account to closure forthwith and posthaste. It has been nothing but a distraction and a waste of time.
Just bought my first item of the day before boarding a flight, will stop at multiple stores en route to my destination and will spend bigly as the day progresses.
All these idiots will do is keep shelves fully stocked today with wheat germ, soy milk, impossible meat - and Depends.
"Activists" = whiny, moronic libtards
(Whine whine whine)
On some, sooner than others! Kek
Yes! Or both!
Oh wait - that's "make it home." Nevermind!
Make that "move out and get a job, MEATHEAD!"
Bunker Style
I hate to say it, but I'm prit-ty sure it will be an anal withdrawal. I know -- ewwww
Which is . . . ? Do tell, fren!
Why Wuhan? Is their credibility not right down there with Herr Fauci and his ilk?
Get bent, UK Paper and Batwoman.
Greatest President EVER. Four years will be MUCH too short! Maybe he'll declare a war on Globalists right at the end, to declare Martial Law and preempt an election. One can hope!
NOW global warming is a thing. The heat is on!
. . . and prey they are! What a delicious time to be alive -- for We the People!
Bring back SaddamTV. Pay-per-View hangings would pay off the national debt! But then, so will reversal of the squandered tax dollars.
Make that "SUPREME" Court, you idiot bitch!
Yeah, I floated this conclusion several weeks ago, but got no traction.i recall a Q post saying something like "wait 'til you find out who this is." Methinks the day of revelation is nigh!
OR, how cool would it be for Q to come back and show how current-proved past . . And THEN the reveal!
Got no interest whatsoever in any of their crap. Haven't for years . . . That means nothing at all to me. YAWN !