Just received a campaign / marketing email from POTUS Trump titled,
"I’m ready to SAVE AMERICA from Joe Biden"
Normally of course I would just delete it as asking for campaign cash, but knowing what we know..... 🤔🧐🤔🤨🤨🤨
Is this a possible COMMS from POTUS Trump about something imminent???
Lord GOD I hope so.... I've definitely become pretty tired of waiting.... like all of us....
What do you guys think?
I'd be happy to try to post a screencap or something, but again; the email came from Trump's official campaign; [email protected]
If there is a "plan" and trump is still president then he is the wealthiest man the world has ever seen after becomming head of the federal reserve and confiscating the assets of the wealthiest criminals on the planet. He'd be worth what a quadrillion dollars??
Remember nesara/gesara?
Why does he need donations?
There's a big difference - nuclear difference - between Trump as a person asking for money, and his CAMPAIGN asking for money, which is what I believe the email I received is doing.
I get it; Trump is wealthy & all, but do we honestly expect & want him to pay for EVERYTHING all by himself?? Including any current campaigning, legal defenses, etc?
He didn't even take a presidential salary & it's proven that his campaign + time in office cost him tons of extra money because of attacks from the left.....
And.....didn't he himself personally and almost fully fund his own 2016 campaign??
So just to be clear and I definitely mean no offense to you / not being condescending, but for clarity; You DO understand the difference between an individual asking for money vs. a political candidate asking for campaign contributions, right?
Yeah but if the plan is true and going according to plan then he is now the wealthiest man the world has ever seen. He sits a top of the organization responsible for confiscating the assets of the wealthiest criminals in the world. All the gold stolen from the US, all the assets of the elite ruling families, the head of the federal reserve. His net worth would legitimately be worth over a quadrillion dollars.