I made them...... Copper pipe/caps, Magnesium, Alum. Borax in water to dip the hot copper in to make a coat of cuppers oxide (semiconductor) on the copper. Mix distilled water with the Alum and then assemble. The Alum Creates a zeolite crystal between the Magnesium (negative) and the copper (positive) and the cuppers oxide (diode) only allows electrons to flow in 1 direction. Just keep them wet with distilled water (Dew/Condensation). Many vids out there showing Mr. Bedini's method, along with his vid ($$).
Did you make the crystal cell or buy it? This is new to me, but the concepts check out. I would like to look into it.
I made them...... Copper pipe/caps, Magnesium, Alum. Borax in water to dip the hot copper in to make a coat of cuppers oxide (semiconductor) on the copper. Mix distilled water with the Alum and then assemble. The Alum Creates a zeolite crystal between the Magnesium (negative) and the copper (positive) and the cuppers oxide (diode) only allows electrons to flow in 1 direction. Just keep them wet with distilled water (Dew/Condensation). Many vids out there showing Mr. Bedini's method, along with his vid ($$).