My guess is they waited until this Romana Didula got a following on Telegram with people sharing the above link and then added the above part to this article-
By November 21, 2021 at 7:38 PM Queen Romana Didulo had given the green light for the Kingdom of Canada's Military to search, confiscate, destroy, and dispose of any COVID-19 genetic biowarfare injections/vaccines entering or already in the Kingdom of Canada as seen below. In addition, she specifically states that the deployed forces are authorized to shoot to kill anyone who attempts to inject a child under the age of 19 years old with any vaccine as they were all deemed illegal in the Kingdom of Canada since Queen Romana Didulo declared it a vaccine free nation earlier in 2021:
It definitely looks out of place compared to the rest of the article.
I don't see any calls for violence on her page-
With that being said, she's definitely a nutjob from what I've seen so far. Even as far back as June, the only comments on that article come to the same conclusion that she's nothing but a larp who introduced herself on a $15.00 budget and there's no reason to believe her claims.
I found this article from June 2021 (which just happened to be updated 2 days ago)-
Archived link-
My guess is they waited until this Romana Didula got a following on Telegram with people sharing the above link and then added the above part to this article-
It definitely looks out of place compared to the rest of the article.
I don't see any calls for violence on her page-
With that being said, she's definitely a nutjob from what I've seen so far. Even as far back as June, the only comments on that article come to the same conclusion that she's nothing but a larp who introduced herself on a $15.00 budget and there's no reason to believe her claims.