Are any of you still buying or holding GME/DWAC?
I have not followed financial markets and many believe the stock market will crash before we take a turn for the better. How do you factor this in with being bullish on certain stocks and companies?
I know none of you can hand out formal financial advice but I want to get some opinions/ideas based on what fellow apes and anons are doing and how you mitigate risk while still betting on the horses you like?
Also what is your opinion on physical silver? Some apes are super bullish but I am curious what you think. I do not reddit but I have seen people literally STACKING silver bars.
Crypto Anons - Do you think Crypto will survive in the long run. Trump himself never has seemed huge on it but I also understand where he comes from when he wants the dollar to be strong vs world currencies. I doubt he cares much about crypto either way because the amount of money in crypto is nearly irrelevant in the grand scope of the world economy.
Thanks for your opinions and input! Trying to do an end of year financial reshuffling and love hearing from people
Dumb question and I apologize in advance but I don't know anything about any of this. I get the market is fixed, so why are we buying DWAC? (I am buying DWAC) If the market crashes am I screwed? What is the ticker symbol for GME?
Well you're asking a pretty anti stock market guy so take with a grain of salt. Im not personally buying DWAC because I think it's rigged more than most out there.
But if the market does crash, us little guys get screwed the most. Investing in GME (Gamestop) or DWAC is unfortunately tied to the health of market so there is some risk there. Thats why OP is making the thread, to see about hedging/diversifying to ease that fear.
Lol, hmmmm. I never bought stocks before until DWAC, so I am just buying a little. I only have 10 right now. Thank you.
Fyi I just reread my comment and that first part I mean that I think the market is rigged not necessarily DWAC. They are just part of that market