I dont believe there is a new variant eventhough that would be the cabal's wet dream. Thing is, we should be prepared for the lives lost because of the clot-shot. Me thinks, the number will be so high, that it will make it imposslible to hide it so the "variant" is the latest scam/excuse. Of course lockdowns again. Wash-rinse-repeat. Sheep will buy it again unfortunately. Some of my relatives have already got the third poisonous shit and live in constant fear. Fucking crazy times especially when we cant do anything to open their eyes.
I dont believe there is a new variant eventhough that would be the cabal's wet dream. Thing is, we should be prepared for the lives lost because of the clot-shot. Me thinks, the number will be so high, that it will make it imposslible to hide it so the "variant" is the latest scam/excuse. Of course lockdowns again. Wash-rinse-repeat. Sheep will buy it again unfortunately. Some of my relatives have already got the third poisonous shit and live in constant fear. Fucking crazy times especially when we cant do anything to open their eyes.