This WAS going to be part of a longer reply on another comment about “whether we should be enjoying the show or not”, but I thought it might be more salient as a separate post. Hopefully many will see this and get SOME degree of “comfort” from it.
(1) Either Trump and the Patriots are divinely inspired/directed (directly guided by God) or they’re not.
(2) If not, either Trump and the Patriots are making intelligent moves with a plan/goal or they’re not.
(3) If not, either Trump and the Patriots are just “winging it and getting lucky” or they’re not.
(4) If not, either you have faith that God is in control or you don’t.
(5) If not, either you believe in an afterlife without (your personal) suffering or you don’t.
(6) If not, it’s all chaos, eff it, “Let’s Go Brandon!”, watch it burn and enjoy the show!
Personally I subscribe to points 1 through 4; that if all else humanly possible is failing/to fail (that maybe this is the Armageddon of the Bible), that ultimately God is in control and, if you are a repentant sinner, your suffering and worry will end and the world will be made right again.
I don’t know if we’re in the end times or not (every generation has had theirs, right?); from what I know of Revelations, there are still signs we’ve yet to see (whatever “100-pound hailstones could be” and “the anti-Christ declaring himself God from within the rebuilt temple (??)” as a couple). But even so, come Lord Jesus.
So either this is the “IT” put forth in Revelations or it isn’t.
If not, it’s it’s a human-led “golden age” or it isn’t.
If not, we’ll just go back to pre-COVID normal, but with a bunch of super-bad people removed, human trafficking significantly reduced, and awakened such that we should never become complacent and detached from our governing bodies ever again.
If not, ... well... hope you like owning nothing and being happy, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kinda just a mind ramble. Hopefully coherent enough to get the point across and ease your mind a bit.
God bless and happy post-Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas frens!!!
What is "Revelations"? Do you mean the Book of REVELATION?
Yes, this one. Good work :thumbsup: