Are there any studies on whether those with natural immunity get the variants? If they don't, then the vaccine is a hoax as they would have the same protection against variants as those with natural immunity.
Also, Big Pharma wants natural immunity denied and think they have a leg to stand on becauseNOBODY GETS IMMUNE TO THE COMMON COLD. They sure don't want iver and Hcq and zinc which block the cold from brcoming a mainstream otc treatment
Sons-of-bitches cutting into our profit margins and LITERALLY EATING OUR LUNCH!!1!
YEAH! They're VAXXLESS-TROGLODYTES! And it's time we put on our BIG-BOY pants and show'em how BIG PHARMA does things, downtown!! WHO'S WITH ME??
All your immune systems are belong to us now.
Are there any studies on whether those with natural immunity get the variants? If they don't, then the vaccine is a hoax as they would have the same protection against variants as those with natural immunity.
Also, Big Pharma wants natural immunity denied and think they have a leg to stand on becauseNOBODY GETS IMMUNE TO THE COMMON COLD. They sure don't want iver and Hcq and zinc which block the cold from brcoming a mainstream otc treatment