posted ago by PlumberFag ago by PlumberFag +147 / -1

I hope you frens are ready. I've been preparing and im not sure i am ready.

I've had 2 people close to me killed by the DOCTORS. One vaxxed, one unvaxxed but the process played out exactly the same way. Death with covid, is different than death from covid.

Some crazzy a** stuff is gonna happen, and it already has been.

These people are insane and sociopaths. A sociopath would sell their child, without blinking, for a chance at more money or power. They will watch the world burn before admitting they were wrong. That's where we differ because we admit our faults and ask forgiveness.

It's not going to be pretty. But truth and god will prevail.

In the meantime keep firing.

"Arm the meme cannons!"

  • General Patton